Central Library

Last Updated on 7 June 2023 by admin

Presentation of the Central Library of the University of Djilali Bounaama
Khemis Miliana:

The Central Library represents one of the university’s priority common
interests, given that it is the most reliable link in the scientific research
process, with its sources of information and documentary services directed for
the purposes of education and research. Benefiting from these services under
conditions and controls determined by the management and organization
strategy in the library regulations in advance.

The central library has three (03) document stores, in addition to three (03)
reading halls that can accommodate 1020 seats, while the attached library has
three (03) document stores, in addition to four (04) reading halls, with a total
capacity of 720. seat. Without forgetting the offices of administrative work, the
interests of technical work, the corridors and places designated for
secondment with all their equipment. There is also a library of the Faculty of
Arts and Languages with a book store and two reading rooms, with a total
capacity of 120 seats.

Documentary credits:
The library has a diverse collection of documents, multidisciplinary and
multilingual, in order to serve the community of students and researchers at
the university. The books stock covers forty-five scientific disciplines in the
field of humanities and social sciences, literature and languages, science and
technology, natural and life sciences, law and political science, economic
sciences, science and technology. Physical and sports activities. The following
table shows the distribution of document stocks in the central library by
document type and language. The number of titles reached 50,748 document
titles and 142,752 copies.

Services provided in the central library:
The Central Library provides its services to the students of the University of
Djilali Bounaama Khemis Miliana, its professors and staff in the first place, and
then to researchers of different categories and levels within the framework of
what is permitted by its loan policy.
Registered at the Central Library:
Students: 14,732 university students of various levels.
Professors: 514 university professors. University employees: 210 employees.
Students of higher institutes and training: 50 students.

  • Researchers from outside the University of Djilali Bounaama Khemis Miliana:
    30 researchers.
  • The library opens its doors to the public from Sunday to Thursday from 08:30
    am to 16:30 pm.
  • It is closed during official holidays for religious and national events and on

The Central Library guarantees a variety of services to its patrons, such as
guidance and guidance, internal and external loan services, search services in
the direct automated catalog (OPAC), beneficiary training service and other
direct services, without neglecting indirect services such as acquisition, supply,
beneficiary studies, indexing, classification and indexing, preservation and
arrangement and preparation of search tools.
The patterns and conditions for benefiting from any service are determined by
the library’s organization regulations described in its internal law.

The interests of the central library:
Acquisition interest
Documentary processing interest.
Interest bibliographic research.
Orientation interest.

The central library also contains:

  • The open digital repository of the Central Library DSPACE:
    The DSPACE repository contains a set of electronic documents that are freely
    available for download without a password or a secret code. Discussion at the
    level of the University of Djilali Bounaama Khemis Miliana.
    The DSPACE repository was established at the level of the central library
    since 2014, and its content amounted to 6841 documents, most of which are
    master’s notes.
    DSPACE digital repository link: http://dspace.univ-km.dz/xmlui
  • The National System for Online Documentation S.N.D.L:The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has established anational system for on-line documentation of the university family. This systemallows obtaining, through subscription to databases, rich and diverse nationaland international electronic documents related to all fields of higher educationand scientific research through the link: https://www.sndl .cerist.dz
  • The electronic portal of the Central Library.
  • Library Facebook.
  • The Central Library also organizes events, including:
  • Doors open to the university library.
  • Exchange your book initiative.
  • Training trainees in the field of library science and documentation for the third
    year of a bachelor’s degree and the second for a master’s degree each year.
    Training trainees from outside the university, vocational training.
    Formation of staff within the library.
  • Hosting educational activities in the libraryOrganizing forums for colleges inside the library.
  • Participate in new baccalaureate registrations.
  • Guarding the pedagogical and vocational exams organized at the university.

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