Last Updated on 30 August 2022 by admin

Vice Rector Mr Youcef Boukedroune


Phone: +213 027

The vice-rectorate for development, forecasting and orientation is responsible for:

ٌٌٌٌ- Gathering the elements necessary for the development of projects and development plans for the university

– Carrying out any prospective study on the forecasting progress of the students  and proposing measure for their support, in terms of evolution, educational and administrative supervision.

-Maintain the university’s statistical file, ensuring  its periodic updating

-Develop any information material on the teaching courses provided by the university and their professional opportunities.

-Provide students with  information midium to help them in their choice of orientation

-Promote student information actions

– Follow up  construction programs and ensure the implementation of university equipment programs in coordination with the departments concerned

The vice rectorate is made up of the following services:

The Department of statistic and forcecasting 

The Department of orientation and information 

The department og follow up construction and university equipment programs