Vice Rectorate of Postgraduate Education،University Empowerment، Scientific Research and Training in Post-Graduation


Vice-Rector, Professor Dr. Djezzar Meliani


Message from the Vice-Rector

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين

والصلاة والسلام على نبيه الكريم خاتم الأنبياء والمرسلين

وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.


     Convinced that Scientific Research is a fundamental and strategic constant in the development of a nation, in particular a useful research, responsible for any technological advance of a society; The mission of the Vice Rectorate, is to bring together all the conditions for the progress of Scientific Research, by working for the development of the researcher , fundamental matrix in the care and the evolution of this research, in order to promote the scientific production, as well as its valuation, to better position our institution on the international chessboard by giving him a good visibility.

    At the level of our establishment, the Vice Rectorate, sets itself the mission of supporting researchers and research entities (teams, laboratories and research units) in their noble mission, by ensuring the respect of the regulations in force, in terms of Academic Research and Research Training (PhD defenses, university habilitation, ..), encourage a consistent scientific production and quality, respecting the deontological guidelines

    Lastly, the Vice Rectorate, has set a coherent approach, based on the federation of material resources and the rationalization of expenses, for the achievement of its objectives, within the framework of a strategy of good governance adopted by the establishment.

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PhD statistics

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Research laboratories

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Dr. Djezzar Miliani

Vice-Rectorate in charge of Higher Education, University Habilitation, Scientific Research and Higher Education in Post-Graduate

E-Mail :
Tel/Fax : 027/55/68/67
Adress : Route de theniet El Had Khemis Miliana 44225 Wilaya Ain Defla