Organizing an International forum
Today, the The Faculty of letters and Languages hosted the first international forum titled –Experimentation in Novel Writing by Muhammad Mufalah‖ chaired by Dr Ibrahim ben Taiba. The activities of the forum were attended by the Vice Presidents of the University, Deans of Faculties , Heads of Departments, and witnessed the presence of the novelist -Muhammad Mufalah‖ and a number of critical figures and distinguished scientific interventions from inside and outside the country.,2
Announcement ( PhD defense)
The Faculty of Letters and Languages at Khemis Miliana University is pleased to announce the PhD defense of Mr. Ahmed Soleiman Elbasiouni, a Palestinian student, held on October 31, 2024. Under the supervision of Mr. Keddar Abdelkader, his thesis explored “Vision and Form in Palestinian Novels Between 2010 and 2022.” This work analyzes the content and artistic elements within contemporary Palestinian novels, drawing on selected examples. The defense was attended by Prof. Mohamed Benrabah Echikh, the university’s Rector; Prof. Benanaia, Vice-Rector for Pedagogy; Dr. Anissa Fellah, Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Languages; and Prof. Nasreddine Bouyahia, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.