Organisation of a national seminar
Within the framework of activating the terms of the agreement signed between Djilali Bounaama Khemis Miliana University and the Supreme Council of the Arabic Language, and under the supervision of the Rector, « Prof. Berabah Mohamed Echeikh », the teaching staff of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature met under the roof of the Faculty of Arts and Languages to study the topic of the national seminar entitled: “Linguistic Terminology and Methods of Its Production,” which was carried out in coordination with the Supreme Council of the Arabic Language, in the presence of the head of this scientific institution as a guest of honor for this scientific forum, « Mr. Saleh Belaid »,and the gentlemen: Vice rector, deans of faculties. This manifestaion also witnessed the wide participation of many professors from various universities around the country.During his welcoming speech, the Rector expressed his happiness and gratitude for the presence of the guests of honor at this scientific seminar, especially the President of the Supreme Council for the Arabic Language, « Mr. Saleh Belaid », and to all the administrative and teaching staff, as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Languages.« Mr. Saleh Belaid » praised the efforts made in coordination with the administration of our university and all the faculty staff to activate the terms of the agreement signed between the two parties, as he stressed that the topic of the meeting constitutes a qualitative leap in light of the growing use of artificial intelligence applications and the digital technology in its orbit that will enhance scientific gains, And human knowledge.