Scientific Council

President of the Scientific Council of the Faculty

Mr. CHAOUCHI Belkacem

Dean and Vice Deans

Mr. BENZAID Djeloul, Dean of the Faculty.

Mr. TOUAIBI Rabah, Vice Dean in charge of postgraduate studies, scientific research, and external relations.

Mr. CHADOULI Rachid, Vice Dean in charge of studies and student affairs.

Heads of Departments

Mr. TOUHARI Mahfoud, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

Mr. ADDAD Djelloul, Head of the Department of Process Engineering.

Mr. BENALLAL Mohamed Nadjib, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Mr. NAAS Youcef, Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication.

Mr. ABBADENI Mohammed, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Mr. BOUDINA Abdellah, Head of the Department of Renewable Energies.

Presidents of Scientific Committees of Departments

Mr. ALI BEN YAHIA Khoudja, President of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

Mrs. REZALA Houria, President of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Process Engineering.

Mrs. HAMZAOUI Ihssen, President of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Mrs. BAOUCHE Fatima Zohra, President of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Electronics and Communication.

Mr. ABDEREZZAK Bilal, President of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Renewable Energies.

Directors of Research Units and/or Research Laboratories (if applicable)

Mr. AZZOUZI Djelloul



Mr. TAHENNI Touhami

Representatives of Senior Faculty Members (Two per Department)

Mr. MERABTI Salem, Representative of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

Mr. HEMIS Mohamed, Representative of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Mr. CHAOUCHI Belkacem, Representative of the Department of Renewable Energies.

Representatives of Assistant Professors

Mrs. HENNANE Yamina

Head of the Faculty Library